Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What do you base your beauty on???

Hello fellow sisters,

It has been a while. I recently just returned from an amazing woman's conference. I was so encouraged and was touched by the LORD. I saw his hand in a mighty way and for this I am greatly appreciative.

I was compelled to write to you on beauty. What do you base your beauty on? As a Christian woman we are told to search our spirit and that beauty is on the inside. This is true. However I am a firm believer that if the inside is right then the outside will naturally follow.

So many times we hold ourselves up to the worlds standards. When really we should hold ourselves up to our Lord and Saviour and see what he has to say. If I were to ask you if you could change one thing about your self what would you say. I have to say the first thing that comes to my mind is that I would loose just a little more weight. Chances are you are thinking of something that has to do with your appearance also.

The Bible says in Psalm 139:14 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." However you look, thank God for it. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

My commitment is to focus on one thing that I can change on the inside. Sure I could loose a little more weight. But more importantly I can always use a little more strengthening in my walk with God. I have two precious little girls whom I want to teach to Love the Lord with all of their heart and all of their mind. I want them to learn by my example. I want them to see that when you have a close unwavering walk with the LORD then that you will naturally have an amazing spirit that will run over to the outward man.

I love makeup and jewelry and all of the things that most ladies love =) However I do not want to be remembered for hair, makeup and jewelry. I want to be remembered as a woman who feared the Lord and loved him with all of her heart, who wanted to bring others to know Christ more. Now think back to what you said you would change and stop for a moment and think "what would you like to be remembered by?"

Do the two line up?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am sure that you have all heard that before. If you are created by an almighty God and look different than the girl sitting next to you in church on Sunday morning, praise God for it. You are special in his sight and there in none other like you. He carefully chose your eye color, your hair color and how tall you would be and he hand picked your strengths and your weaknesses. There is none other like you!!!

I like to think beauty is as beauty does. Do not compare yourself to others and do not compete with the way that another lady looks. Adorn yourself with the fruit of the spirit and let the outward man follow. All the fun stuff is great, just a little extra to our package. Yet should not be our only focus. Make sure that you are not solely relying on these to feel beautiful or measure your worth. You mean much more to God then some paint and hairspray!!!

I often think of Sarah and how even the lost men looked upon her and thought of how beautiful she was. So much that Abraham had her lie and say that she was his sister, for he feared his life would be taken if they knew that she was his wife. This means that she was amazingly beautiful. She was a Godly woman whose spirit flowed from her inner being to her outward appearance. I have heard from young christian ladies who struggle with the thoughts of "is it OK" to look pretty and be a christian. I must be honest after I was saved I had some of the same struggles. Yet, as I have grown in the Lord I am so encouraged by his creation. He made the beautiful blue sky with bright white clouds, a golden sun and the richest green color for our grass. He is beautiful. He is lovely. and there is no blandness to our creator. I have tried to embrace this in my life. I am part of God's creation as are you. We do not need to be a cookie cutter christian. God made you special as an individual and he needs who you are to fulfill his divine purpose.

I hope this is an encouragement to you... Just remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the creator of the universe. There is beauty in every single part of his creation and you my sister are no different =)

In Christ,


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Need your Help =)

I am looking for 3 to 5 friends or family members that are willing to help me kick start my new side business. I decided to take on selling "lia sophia" it's jewelry! YEAH! I am so excited. To be honest when I went to my friends show I was just going to purchase a couple pieces. But... I fell in love with jewelry and the excellent benefits oh, and how much money I could save my friends on their jewelry.

If you are one of the lovely ladies that would love to take advantage of the following leave me a message on my blog or email me (
-the average host receives $300. of jewelry for only $15.00 she may also be eligible to receive another $400 for $60.
-you will receive 20% of your show sales in FREE jewelry and could also earn up to 40% in FREE jewelry!
-5 bonus items this means purchase 5 items in the catalog at $15 each or unless otherwise priced in the catalog!!!
-2 items of your choice at 50% off!!!

It would be a night of fun of fellowship and shopping with your girlfriends. Oh and for your guests there is always a sale... Our everyday sale in buy two of your LOWEST priced items and get your third HIGHEST priced item for 50% off!!! Crazy it is opposite of the department stores... Everyone will have a chance to win some FREE jewelry. What do you have to loose. Help a Sister out!!! Love y'all hope this interest you.

email me and check out my web site at
you can also preview the catalog on my above web site!!!

(If you want to receive the above benefit's but do not want to host an in home show you may also host a catalog show. see how many orders you can snag.)

YES I ALMOST FORGOT. If you schedule a show with me before December 1st and hold the date I will buy you any item in the catalog that is $100.00 or Less....

Thanks Ladies,

share this with anyone you know that may be interested =)

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Can Go In!!!

After visiting the Abigail Miller web site to order some Cd's I was once again extremely blessed by her song "I Can Go In". As I sat weeping tears of joy while the children finished up their lunch. Tatum and Elyssa became concerned "Why are you crying Mommy?" They both were asking. I could not stop rejoicing in the wonderful gift of salvation. If you are saved how could we ever stop rejoicing!

As Tatum brought me a tissue to wipe away my tears they seemed to be becoming even more concerned that Mommy was so joyful and crying =) I explained to them the amazing gift of salvation and of the saints of old and of all the Martyrs that have laid down their lives and kept the faith. And how easy to them we must have it just to be saved by grace. And how some day we will share the glorious streets of gold with these men and women! And how when we get to heaven it will not matter because we will all be rejoicing together. And I was able to tell them that I can go in....

Have you ever paused for a moment just to say that phrase to your self " I Can Go In" Oh how powerful it is. Not everyone will stand some day and say it. And when I read the song lyrics I feel as the man did in the verses, asking who are these? I am not one of these... I just want to bow in shame, and say I am not one of these. As the man does in the song. But wait, at the end he rejoices and cries...I CAN GO IN.... Why can he go in? He was no prophet, was not burned at the stake, or asked to renounce his faith. But yes he can go in... He has been washed in the Blood. Saved by God's grace. He may enter with those giants of the faith. Yes He can go in.

Can you go in. Are you a rejoicing Christian? If not, why not? Is your heart overwhelmed with joy and gratitude to your Lord and Savior? If you are saved there should be nothing that can bother you. Sure there are things, trials that we face in this life. But when they come just say that phrase to yourself..."I can go in." There is so much hope and joy in four small words. I am still joyous when I really stop and think... I CAN GO IN!!!

Praise the Lord. I invite you to visit, you will truly be blessed by her testimony and the amazing songs that she has written. I want to share with you her lyrics...
Written by Abigail Miller, (Taken by a sermon preached my Charles Spuregon)

He stood beside the gates of Heaven. waiting to go in,
And he wondered how this Holy Place could take a man like him.
with shouts of great rejoicing and with music then they came,
Of the angels standing by him he asked what could be their name?

"These are the company of prophets. The goodly fellowship of souls,"
"Who spake God's Word with faith and boldness; who blessed the poor,
and made the wounded whole."

"Oh," he fell upon his knees, and cried, "I am not one of these."

He waited 'till another band of shining ones drew nigh,
They entered into Heaven with a "Hallelujah" cry.
He asked again, "Who are these? Can you tell me whence they came?"
He seemed to see the answer in a burning tongue of flame.

"These are the company of martyrs, the mighty fellowship of Saints."
"Who knew our Lord and walked beside Him."
"Who ran the holy race and did not faint."
"Oh," he fell upon his knees, and cried, "I am not one of these."

Then suddenly, a multitude was heard from far away.
Their voices rang with songs of joy like children at their play.
He saw Rahab, He saw David, Mary Magdalene and Paul,
And the thief who died by Jesus was the one who led them all.

"Who are these?!" he almost shouted at the angels.
"These are the sinners saved by grace!"
"The host of them who called upon the Savior,"
"Washed in the Blood and justified by faith!"

And, Oh...he leaped up from his knees!
"Oh, I can go in with these!!!"

"And I can go in, for my heart is free from sin."
"I've been washed in the Blood, everlasting life to win."
"I can rejoice, I can lift up my voice...I can sing...and I can go in."

Oh, he thought there could be no hallelujahs and no cries,
For this lowly band of people by the world despised,
But as the scenes of heaven opened up before his eyes,
He saw the martyrs and the prophets, and the host of heaven rise,
And they sang, "I can go in. For my heart is free from sin."
I've been washed in the blood, everlasting life to win,"
"I can rejoice, I can lift up my voice...I can sing... and I can go in."
"I can go in."
"I can rejoice, I can lift up my voice...I can sing...and I can go in."
"I can go in."

Can you go in. If not and you want to know how please let me know. If you can then lift up your voice and REJOICE..."YOU CAN GO IN..."

I have been so blessed by the words of this song. I just had to share. My heart could just jump up and run around and sing. Glory to God in the Highest. I may never deserve to go in. But by the grace of God. I Brittany Brown have been washed in the Blood, cleansed from every sin. That is something to shout about. My prayer is that you still have that blessed joy that you first had after salvation. It can so easily be lost when we get tripped up with the every day things of life. But there is so much Joy in the Christian life. Read the lyrics again and visit her web site so that you can sample the song. I promise you will be truly blessed.

Because of Christ,
Brittany Brown

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just one more soul...

I love to read in Gods word of people and their conversions. I am just thrilled through every miracle of a sinner saved by grace. One of my favorite books of the Bible is the book of Acts. It is packed full of wonderful history of the Church and of Godly people taking a stand for Jesus Christ. If you have been saved for any amount of time the salvation of ones soul is absolutely amazing. Just as much so as a new born baby being brought into this earthly world, It is the same as one who is born into the family of God.

One of my favorite salvation stories found in the book of Acts is the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch. One of the reasons I love it so is because of the simplicity of it. And that the Lord saw that something that would not take up much room or time to tell was of much significance.

You can find this account in Acts 8:26-39

It shows that when you are witnessing to someone you never know where they are at on their own spiritual journey. Has some one else sowed the seed. Maybe another has already done some watering and maybe you will be the one to harvest. Or it could be completely the other way around you could be the one to plant the seed, or water. you just never know unless you take the time to find out. Here in this passage of scripture we see how sensitive to the Holy Spirit Phillip was. It says in verse 29 "Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot." The Bible says in verse 30 that Philip ran to the chariot. This shows us that he obeyed God and that he obeyed Him with joy, hast and zeal. He did not take his time and dilly dally around. He took what God said seriously and by faith trusted and obeyed. We should have the same attitude. When you feel that little prick from the Holy Spirit we should definitely obey. There have been many a times when I have heard from the Lord and have not followed. I have for some reason or another shrugged it off. Yes I am sad to say. I often wonder if when we get to heaven if the Lord will show us all the times that he told us to pass a track, speak a word of encouragement or to boldly stand and witness and we made the choice not to. I know for sure that I will hang my head in shame. I am trying to seek to be more like Christ and to seize every opportunity that the Lord would allow me to have. As I hope is the same for you dear Christian reader.

I love how Philip goes to him and does not just start shoving the gospel down his thought. He enquires of him what he is reading (verse 30). Then Philip asked if he understood what he was reading. And the Ethiopian man asked him how he could understand. And it speaks of what he was reading and then he asks Philip do you know of whom this speaketh? Philip does not go into an in depth doctrinal study with the man about what he was reading. No, the Bible says in verse 35 "Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus Christ. There is something I try to remember when I am witnessing to someone that I do not know if I will ever have another chance or not. I was taught it in a soul winning class shortly after myself was saved. That you never debate doctrine, that you stick to the scripture and what the Bible says about salvation. You stick to the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You leave them with something to think about, or maybe even lead them to the Lord if they are ready as was done here.

The Bible says and they went on their way and that they came to a body of water. Here the Ethiopian man asked what he must do to be baptized and a simple answer is given. Philip tells the man that if he be livest with all of his heart. Simple but true. And in verse 37 the man at the end of the verse answered " I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God." And he was saved. It does not say and he was saved. But if you finish up the chapter it talks of them commanding the chariot to stop and Philip baptizing him and then Philip being called away by the Lord and the Eunuch going on his way.

I do not know why. But the Lord has always giving me a heart to meet this man when I get to heaven. I want to hear of all of the things that he went on to do for My Lord and saviour. I am intrigued by his testimony because we never hear of him again. This is the only account. And I am so blessed by the fact that the Lord would take such a simple account, but yet so much more miraculous than we will ever know, and include it in his word.

One of my favorite songs that I love to hear is the good old fashioned song "If just one more soul" It goes something like
-But if just one more soul were to walk down the isle, it would be worth every struggle it would be worth every trial, a life time of labor is still worth it all, if it rescues just one more soul-

I am so encouraged that the Lord gave us such a wonderful, free gift of salvation. It can not be earned, bought or traded. It is free by choosing to accept it. in Romans 10:9-11 the Bible says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED.

Praise the Lord that he has shown his mercy to such a wicked and cursed world. And that he was willing to sacrifice his life so that we may have eternal life! I am over joyed by this thought. I love to hear testimonies. Especially of those that we find through out God's Word of the saints of old. Which were left as an example for us on how to be saved and how to lead others to Christ. I hope this will encourage you...

In Christ Jesus,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are you sleepy yet???

Being a wife and mother is the most rewarding job in the world. I would not trade it for anything. As I write this it is ten o' clock at night. Joshua is out of town for three days on business and we have vacation Bible school this week where I am teaching a fours and fives class. I love it. This is one of my favorite weeks of the summer. But by the end of the night I am so tired.

The LORD has blessed our Church's VBS so far this year. And my class size is about double what it was last year. Yet at times I catch my self thinking of all the other children out there that are not there. How sad it is to me that there are sweet little innocent children growing up with out no knowledge of Christ. I am so thankful for my salvation and the fact that God saw me and that he made my heart tender to His calling.

What a great and mighty God we serve . As I sit here about to fall over I am overwhelmed with thankfulness. I could be so tired and weak but that the Lord will and always does carry me through. In the good and in the bad. Through the storms and in the peaceful sunshine.

Often times our burdens seem to hold us down, we fret and worry over things that we have no control over any way. Give it to the Lord. Take it to Him in prayer. Know that we will have all the rest we could ever dream of in Glory. Live the life that God has given you every day as a new life from our gracious Lord. For we never know what tomorrow holds. Each breath, each rain, each snowflake, each kiss, each hug, and each hello are all a gift from God.

As I saw the little children all around tonight, so full of youth and joy. I could not stop thinking t of how blesses I have been. When you look in a Child's eyes there is something so special. I believe the Lord has placed that sweet innocents for us to remember what life really is. That we have nothing to fear when we are saved and in Christ's loving arms.

What a blessing it is to tell those little ones of our saviour whom bled and died on the cross and rose again for our sins. Some of them have never heard that. And what it made me remember more then ever is that there are many parents who used to be little children who never heard it either and now they are grown and we may not see them as beautiful as the sweet angles standing in front of us.

So no matter how tired you may get, no matter how long you think that you have trod. And no matter how many times they have said no, remember they still need the Lord and your rest awaits you on the other side of Jordan.

Just a little thought,
Good Night,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Laymans wife...

I am about to share my heart with you. Not sure why. But I really feel led by the LORD...

Many of you know that my sweet Joshua is a United States Marine. To him I have been happily married for seven years now. Not that we have the perfect marriage by any means. But I like to think that we are at the utmost of happeiness. I have a deep love for our military being that my father was also a former Marine himself (I know once a Marine always a Marine...). I grew up having a certain respect for the men and women that serve our country. After salvation though I have often wondered why Joshua would not just surrender to full time ministry. Now more then ever I have asked my self this question. Not that I feel that we would even be the best pick from our Heavenly Father. I have a real burden to serve the LORD. I have such a burden for home and foreign missions. And I know that Joshua also shares the same burden. I have often questioned if he is not following the LORD, and if he is just making his own decisions.

Over the past few months the LORD has really shown me some things. I have seen the Lord's hand in a mighty way. For this I am thankful. I have complete peace with what ever the Lord would have us to do.

I do not know if any of you whom are married to a Laymen have ever had the same thoughts. Maybe you have but are a little leery of admitting it. Trust me I am even now as I right this. But in my daily devotions and through preaching I have seen how much the Lord needs good lay people. Not every man will be called to full time Christian service. But they are all called to full time ministry. There are many ministries in the Church that can only be done by the laymen. There are many people to be reached that only the laymen will reach and there are many battles to be fought for the Christian Faith and for the freedoms that we have that will only be fought and won by the laymen.

I have been so convicted about how I need to encourage my Joshua more. We are young and have a lot of people that have tried to tell him that the right thing for him to do would be to get out of the military and surrender his life to full time service weather it be to the mission field or to be a preacher. And I sadly admit that I have hinted this on more than one occasion.

After confiding a little in a fellow more mature military wife who is married to a wonderful Godly man, the advice she gave me was stop listening to others and just follow. That my husband will be led by the LORD and that I need to encourage him and follow with a happy heart. Some of the best advice I have gotten. And yet so simple.

I started reading about men in the Bible that were great men of God and that were also Laymen. Many of them even Warriors... (I say Warriors because Army men are called soldiers and Marines are Warriors =)..) Joshua and David were a few men that I looked at. I have come to be content with being a layman's wife. I do not say it as if it were a bad thing. I have found the beauty in it that I have not seen before. When you are young and around many people your own age whom husbands are being called to the ministry, you start to wonder is there something wrong with my husband. Is he not listening. But I have found the contrary. He is listening loud and clear. He wants nothing more than to be in the will of God. He knows that the LORD would have him right where he is and he is totally willing that if one day soon or far off the Lord would call him to full time service he says he is ready.

All the time I should have been thankful for what the Lord has made my husband. But when I step back and take a look I have been so discontent with whom he has given me. Not in Joshua himself but in the vocation that he has been placed. I love the military life. There are so many benefits, along with the negatives. But there would be negatives if he were a preacher or a missionary also.

I know that there are some people who are questioning his decisions and are not fully supporting him. But I will not be one of them anymore. I will be happy with being a layman's wife and see the joy that there is serving along side of such a great and mighty man. Why do we as wives always have some great idea for our men? I do not think that it is a bad thing. I think that we see them at there best and know what they are capable of. But when I started thinking that everyone else must be right I was saying that he was not spiritual enough. Shame one me.

After re-reading "Created to be a Help Meet" By Debi Pearl. Specifically chapter eight I realized where I have fallen short. I acknowledge that I will never be perfect until Glory. But as Cindy Scapp often says. I sure want to try. I am so thankful that Joshua is patient and is slow to make decision. i am so thankful that he waits and listens and that he wants to hear. I could be married to a lost man. Which I was at one time. But praise the LORD he is now saved and following his Lord. I have really come to not see the term laymen as something that is not a good. Sure ladies would jump up to say "yeah my husband is a preacher or my husband is a missionary" But few jump up and say "My man is a Laymen in the Church and the Lord has called him to be a such and such."

As a layman's wife I want to encourage all of us to take a step back and make sure that we are really loving the men that God has given us the way we ought to. And make sure that you are his number one supporter. You should be his biggest Cheerleader on the sideline of life. Making sure that whether he is a Preacher, a Missionary a Military man, Plumber, Computer engineer, Doctor, or what ever he may be that we encourage them to be all that they can be for the LORD. For it has often been said that a wife can make or break her man. I hope that some day it will be said of me that I loved and supported Joshua and that he was a strong man of the Faith because of it.

After all we move so often to new places I love what Bro.Williams said, "You have to love the military who are saved after all they are government paid missionaries. What a good way to look at it. We are all married to a missionary of sort or another... =)
Thanks for letting me share,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Do you know my LORD???

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers out there. I hope you have a blessed day and as you look ahead at the greatest responsibility in the world, that you are humbled with LOVE and Compassion toward your Children and see there need to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

This Mornings sermon was amazing and so convicting I just had to blog about it. I was so convicted on how casual our culture has become to the LORD Jesus Christ. The savior of the World. Yet He has not Changed. He is the same yesterday an today. The Bible clearly teaches this. So why is there so much Carnal Christianity in our Country? It is because we have taken our eyes off of Jesus Christ and directed then towards man. We have become so concerned about what others think of us that we have changed our ways of worship to fit the ways of the world. So we now have one foot in the Bible and the other in the world. However that is not true Christianity.

Jesus Christ is Righteous and we often forget this. We often paint his picture of what we think He should be and really we are just molding him into what we want so that we are comfortable with our life and our pet sins. God does not laugh at sin and he does not find any joy in it. In fact where sin is He wants no part of it. That is why when we come to Christ for Salvation we must first see ourselves as LOST. No person has ever gotten saved by just asking Jesus to save them and come into their heart. There must be repentance. All repentance is, is a change of Heart. Finally seeing how wicked you are before a Holy God and that you in no way can work your way to Heaven. That Jesus Christ had to suffer and shed is Holy, sinless blood on Calvary so that you and I a vile sinner could be made clean. Oh, you may want to get your Bible out. Just for reference!

In Matthew 21:12-13 we see the rebuke of Jesus. He took care of the sin that was being committed in the temple. He does not kindly tell them that he does not agree with what they are doing in His Holy place of worship. We see Him driving them out. If you read on you will see that he made a whip to chase them out. There are so many false profits. Which God warned against. I know it so hard to believe that anyone would lie. But so many Pastors have compromised. Why, I am not sure. They all have there own reasons. Maybe it was for numbers or they were just not having young people interested. But the Bible talks about how God does not change his methods. He is not going to be listening to Worldly music to bring people in. Why? Because that is the Beat of the World. And Jesus Christ can not yoke up with things of this world. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. (Matthew 10:16)(Matthew 10:24) He came to teach others how to enter into the Kingdom of God. Yet we see this ecumenical movement that says "We will just be like the world, and use worldly methods to bring people to Christ". But if there is no difference why would you or I even need it. One thing that I have learned in my 6 years with the LORD is that if the Bible sets a standard I do not have to be convicted about it. There is no praying about it. If God said it then that is how it is suppose to be. Therefore that is why my Family is trying to live as close to God's word as possible. Sure we have been called legalistic. But those who use that word fail to realize what it means. It means that you believe in working your way to heaven. Basically that my righteousness will get me there. Let me say we do not believe this at all. In fact we believe quite the contrary. My Righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of my LORD and Saviour. Yet after I got saved I saw a ton of things that needed to change in my life. If God says it then I want to do it. I believe that Christians should have high standards. After all Christ did. And we are suppose to be Christ like. And there should be a definite different between you and the world and how you worship and how the world worships. If someone came to me and showed me that I was wrong because the Bible said so then I would gladly listen =)

Our Country is on a downward slid away from God. Christians have sat back and let the government run everything. We have not stood up for what God's Moral laws say. We have quietly watched our freedoms that were so hardly fought for be taken and yet we still do nothing. There are babies by the millions being aborted, fornication is laughed at, immorality is at an all time high. We need to take a stand for what the Bible Say's. Not for what some man tells us but for what God our creator tells us. If you are in a Church that preaches all feel good messages and nothing on Hell and SIN then you are probably sitting under a false profit. Sure God is Love and merciful, but God is jealous and will one day judge our sins. We need to be faithful to God and God alone. Joshua and I have often said if our Pastor stopped preaching the word of God then we would leave and find another Church. If he was preaching something contray to the word of God then we do not want to raise our Children there. I believe that everything that we believe we need to know why we and our families believe it. Not because someone told us, but because THUS SAITH THE LORD. We need to take a stand. We need the world to see that we have something they do not posses. (Matthew 10:34-39) If you have been duped by cultural Christianity then look to Jesus. He will carry you through. There should be a evidence in your life that you have been born again. It should be so evident to the people around you that they should say "wow, what happened to you." I remember, this was how it was after I was saved and then after my husband was saved. It is not something you grow into. It is something that happens immediately. And you will know. It is the most blessed comfort you will have in the depths of your soul. And you will want others to have it to.

One of my favorite parables is about the Christian realm. You can find it in Matthew 13:24-30

He is talking about the wheat and the tares. he goes on to explain what the parable means. I am sobered by this thought. For I know that there was a point in my life that I was a tare. That I thought I was a Christian, I went to Church I tried to be good. I knew about Jesus Christ. But on that night in September when I saw that I did not have a relationship with Christ and that I needed to be born again. It was like blinders were taken off my eyes. I saw my sin for what it really was and I saw me how God saw me. A wicked Hell bound sinner that needed him and the blood he shed on Calvary. Praise the Lord I yielded to his call and have never been the same. I do not desire the old life. For the Old is passed away and behold all things are made new. Joshua and I have some very strong stands that we have taken with our family, in dress, music, worship, movie houses, dancing, a mans role and a wife's role, schooling our Children and so on and so on. But these are not to show what kind of a Christian we are or to impress God. He is not impressed that we attend Church every time the Doors are opened neither is he impressed by the standards we have. Why, you ask. Because he expects them. He expects his people to have a certain walk and certain standards.

Pastor Scheving used an example of a frog. There was a man out camping and he stared a fire and put a pot on the fire with some water while he went out to gather some more sticks. A frog came along and jumped in the pot. At first it was chilly, and cold. Then the water got a little warmer and the frog liked it, then a little warmer and the frog was really enjoying himself. Then the water came to a boil and the camper came back to a dead frog in his pot of water. Isn't that what is happening in so many Christian circles. The gospel has gotten so watered down. There is no preaching on sin and separation. We have changed our stands so that we will be more readily accepted by the world. And are comfortable. We are not viewed any different. What would are fore fathers who died for the faith think of our Christianity. We think that we are persecuted because someone says something about the way we live. But we do not know the half of it. We have not had to watch loved ones be burnt at the stake or tortured or fed to lions. We need a real reality check. I am talking to myself on all of this also. Yet we are pushing further and further away from our Creator and our God.

I was so humbled this morning as I listened to the message. I thought what are we teaching our Children? How is this country going to be for them to raise their Children. What kind of Christian heritage are we leaving them. You know we are to be separated unto Christ but live in the world. If we are just staying one step behind the world and think we are okay because we are just tailing them, we have missed the point. Because God never moves. So if we are tailing the world we are not separated unto Christ. We have already moved. I want to live my life for the LORD. I want him to be seen in me. I want most of all my Children to see that if God's word says it then that is how are family is going to do it. There is no compromise. God's way is always the right way. OH how I pray that we as Christians would open our eyes to the battle that is ragging about us. That we would take our stand and hold our banner high. That we would proclaim to all the world the LOVE of Jesus Christ and the Blood he shed on that old rugged tree. May we all be challenged (MY SELF) included to look at why we are living the way we are living. And make sure that we line up with the Bible... The Bible say's that there will be a great falling away before the return of Christ, and to always have a ready answer. Stay strong in your personal walk with the LORD and make sure that you are solely seeking to please and worship him in your everyday life...

p.s, I know some of this may seem kind of harsh. But please know I say it all out of LOVE...It was just as hard for me to be reminded. But faithful are the wounds of a friend =)
Because of Christ,


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Take a Journey with me...

One of my desires of starting this blog was to discuss health and beauty in God's eyes. I as many Christian women have struggled with my weight. Most of all I believe that I have struggled with my appearance and what others think of me. How do I look, am I pretty enough or am I thin enough. I think that if most of us were honest, we could say that we have had these thoughts in one form or another. But does it even matter what man thinks of us? The Bible says that we should not seek the approval of men but of God.

When I was a teenage girl, I struggled with a serious eating disorder. I saw dietitian after dietitian and doctor after doctor. What none of them ever told me was that it was a sin to be the way I was. That my eating disorder was an abomination to the God who had created me. I was counseled on what had happened to me in my childhood and what I could not control in my life. I was never told that gluttony was a sin. and that being so wasteful of the food that God had given me could be so wicked. I was so caught up in how skinny I could become and what others thought about my appearance. I was so focused on myself and the real need I had was for the Lord to free me from my pride and selfishness.

I was not saved until I was nineteen. When I got married I had stopped binging and would only vomit on occasion. I thought I was doing so much better. Until I saw my sin for what it was after I received the LORD as my savior and gave my life to him. Only a few times after that blessed night in September did I gorge and vomit. I was so convicted each time of how sinful it was before my GOD.

Now I have three beautiful children. To which I would not trade anything for. However through my pregnancies I gained an enormous amount of weight. With my first daughter Tatum I had preaclmapsia and gained 80 some pounds. As you can guess I really struggled with this because of my past. But I knew I could not go back to where God had brought me so far from. Then 3 months after I had our beautiful daughter I found out that I was going to have another precious child. I bet you can guess that I had not even lost half of the weight I had gained. Nope I put another 45 or so on top of it. Then with Titus I did pretty good at only gaining around 30 pounds. However I still weighed in at 212 every time I went in to deliver my babies. Mind you I am only 5'1... After I had Titus and I knew that I could not have any more children I knew that something had to be done. When I started my journey on weight watchers I weighed 180. I had already lost 12 pounds on my own. I knew that I was going to need help, and I had some friends that did weight watchers and it worked so great for them I thought that I would give it a try.

When I started my goal was to be skinny again. I wanted to look like I did when I got married and before I had children. Little did I know I was not seeing the big picture. After a few months I learned that this was going to be a life long commitment and it was not to being skinny it was to being healthy. That is when the LORD showed me some amazing things. He showed me that it is not his will for his children to be over weight or to have the health problems that we could prevent if we remember why we were created. We were created to serve the LORD and so many times are health cuts our journey short. I am not saying that you can not be overweight and be used of the LORD. I am just saying that it is the LORDS will for us to keep our bodies as healthy as possible so we could have a long journey and a good run before Him. I saw that I needed to make some permanent changes for my family and my self. I needed to be healthy for my family that the LORD has given me to take care of. I was looking at my journey in a whole new light.

But how quickly we sometimes loose sight of what the LORD has for us and slip back into our old ways. As I reach my goal weight I have struggled more than ever. I know that it is because I had taken my eyes off of Christ in this area. I once again was worrying about how I appeared to man and not to Christ. I was focused on self instead of others. I started to obsess again over my weight and what I looked like. I am so thankful that the LORD has given me one friend who will be completely honest with me about things. She mentioned to me one night when we were out to dinner that I constantly was talking about how much I weigh or how many calories are in what I am eating, or that I should not have eaten that. It was hard to hear. But it was what I needed to hear. I have two beautiful little girls who I do not want them to ever struggle with what I have struggled with. I want them to not view food as their enemy but I do not want them to learn just to eat for pleasure either. I believe the LORD gave us food to eat to live. It is okay to enjoy it but it is another thing to be totally consumed by it. It can become an idol. I know, kind of a crazy thought, but true.

I am stepping back where I started when the LORD showed me that there is a weight that I should be at that is healthy and pleasing to him. That there is a way that I need to eat and feed my family that is pleasing to him. I am excited about the beginning of my new journey. I want to help others that may struggle in these areas that I struggle in. I want us as Christian women to set the example to the world not them dictate and set our examples on what beauty is. There is no beauty that is more beautiful than that of a Christan woman, wife, or mother that shows that she walks with the LORD and is seeking to please him in every aspect of her life.

Now to me I see that what I put into my body will affect my service for the LORD. There is a cause and affect for everything. If I am constantly focused on my self then I will not be able to give my self to others that are dieing lost with out a saviour. And if I am not healthy then how will I be able to raise the children that the LORD has given me or take care of my sweet Joshua. I am praying that the LORD will help me on this journey as I seek to beautiful and healthy before him and him alone. And as I turn away form Satan and this world and what they say to us, (even as christian women) is beautiful. I do not want their beauty. I want so much more. I want a beauty that shines far above all others one that the world will look at and say "that is the essence of beauty I want what she has". I want everything that I do and everything I am from my inner most being to my otter layer to point back to my LORD and savior Jesus Christ.

Thanks for letting me share my heart.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prayer Request...

I have two big prayer requests. The first one is for our friends Beth and Jeremy they have a sweet little baby who is two months old. He will be undergoing a surgery in the morning that they say is pretty risky. After all any surgery on such a precious little one is serious. Please pray that the family will have strength in this time of difficulty and that he will come out of it doing great and that the doctors will know what is wrong. Most of all that the LORDS will, will be completed, whatever it may be.... Thank you...

My second one is that The LORD will clearly show Joshua what to do as far as re-enlistment is concerned. That Joshua will be sensitive to the leading of the LORD in whatever path he has him to take and lead our family down. Please pray that the LORD will give me complete peace in whatever the outcome is and that I will stay completely focused on Him through it all... That I will keep my mouth shut and allow the LORD to lead my husband =)

Thanks for praying....

I will post soon...

Because of Christ,

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spiritual growth...

Okay, I am finishing up my book from Elizabeth George called "A Woman After God's Own Heart." Amazing by the way. I have been using it as a devotional. I can not say enough about it, but that I recommend it to all Christian ladies who are seeking to be more like Christ.

In the book she talks about how to have spiritual growth, and I wanted to share it with you... It is such a great idea. You need to get 5 manila envelope (Or do what I did, I got 5 super cute folders!) Then you are going to pray about 5 areas that you want to have the knowledge of the LORD in. Make sure that they are spiritual things. They could be anything form, Patience, virtue, parenting, being a help meet, womanhood, health, prayer, faith, discipleship, soul winning, Time management, you name it. What ever area the LORD has laid on your heart.

I have only chosen 4 so far, Mine are, wife/ help meet, parenting/ spiritual growth of children, prayer, and Biblical Health.... Still praying about the fifth =)....

Once you have your 5, then you start praying and reading your Bible on these areas. You also find every good Christian book written on the subject and read it. Remember that the most important of the books though is the Bible. Make sure that everything that you are reading lines up with God's word! You also pick an Int ital to mark by each Bible verse in your Bible that relates to the subject that you are studying. Example for Parenting I put a (p) and for help meet I chose (w) , prayer is (pr)... That way as you study your Bible you can look back and know that these verses pertain to that which you are growing in knowledge.

Also do not read at random. Only read those things that pertain to your goals of spiritual growth. She gives a statistic that is quit scary... That only 5% of Americans will go out and buy a book this year and that only 5% will read a book this year.. Yikes... What are we filling our minds with, junk that is on the TV and video games, etc.... We need to be filling our mind with good wholesome things of our LORD and saviour Jesus Christ.

Mrs.George mentions something I think that every Christian woman needs to think about. What do people know you as and what are they going to remember you as. Are they going to say I know that I can call Brittany she is a prayer warrior, or she has a lot of Biblical knowledge on health or how to raise children or how to be a help meet? Or are they going to say she never grew very much, she was a shallow Christian, or what a gossip. I hope the later ones will not be so.

We are all filling our minds... But with what? And our job as Christians is to minister to others. We are saved to serve. So as we grow in knowledge of Jesus Christ we should be using it. We should be a doer not just a hearer. After all that is how we have these great Christian women of whom we Can follow their examples. They have studied to show themselves approved and are trying to teach others. And this is what the Bible teaches us to do as women (Titus 2).

Let me encourage you to take this challenge. Even as you may only study one topic a year or all 5 at time, we are all different and all have a different amount of time. But who knows you may wright the next amazing Christian book to encourage or help other ladies. Or you may even be asked to speak at a ladies event on some topic. The Bible tells us that a heart that hath understanding seeks knowledge (Proverbs 15;14)...

Start praying, what does the LORD want you to be able to share with others. And remember that a heart that is devoted to God and his word and is growing in Him will be overflowing and will not be able to contain itself...

Because of Christ,

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Love Divine so Great and Wondorus...

One thing that I have personally struggled with since being saved is truly comprehending the love of my Lord and savior that He extends toward me. I love the old song Love divine so great and wondrous. My heart fills with joy each time I hear it, even as it is going through my mind it brings a sweet peace to my heart.

God's love is so profound, yet so real that all who are in Him may taste the sweet savor of it. It is not to far away, not hidden not even somewhere un attainable. It is right in front of us if we chose to see it or not, now that is a different story.

Many of us our troubled by our past. By what our lives used to be. We know that he has saved us and made us whole thought the shed blood on Calvary. Yet we feel that he could never love us. This is a lie from the pits of Hell. The Lord Jesus Christ loved us so much to give his life for our sins. Don't you think that this would be enough to show us. However we still wander through this life with a heavy burden of the way our lives used to be. God says our sin is as far as the east is from the west. He has blotted them out, and to him they are no more. That is why when we come to him for forgiveness of a sin that we may be dealing with over and over we are to mention it by name. Why? Because he has already forgotten it. It has already been covered by the crimson flood.

I thought I had conquered this feeling. I was wrong... I have been doing this devotional on Gods love. It has been amazing. I believe the more and more that you contemplate it the more and more you feel his tender hand. I believe that I have only tapped into the surface of my saviours love. What a spring that is ever flowing. Most of us have always heard that you grow more in your valleys then you do more on your mountain tops. He is ever sweeter and even more nearer. Yet there is still much to be learned on our mountains. I just don't think that we listen as well. We are much more humble when we are on our knees in a cold dark valley with no way out, but to come to Christ to show us the path.

His love is ever present. I know that I tend to over look all the little things that he has done for me. Well what I think are little really are small miracles =) In the devotional guide that I am following she suggests that you keep a praise journal and record every day what the LORD has done for you that day. If you have never tried this, I highly recommend it. IT IS AMAZING. When you really stop and think about all of the things through out the day that the LORD has done, big and small. The first day that I wrote I got my pen out thinking okay I will jot down a few things. Much to my surprise I found my self writing on a page and a half. My heart was jumping for joy as I praised the LORD for all of his answered prayers, the way that he intervened in curtain situations, and just his goodness to me and and my sweet little family. It was great. When you do this you can not help but feel how close the LORD is and his powerful love towards you.

I have struggled with this doubt of does God really love me as much as he loves his other Children. Though I very rarely acknowledge it. If you have never read the book "Lies women believe" I highly recommend it. The lie was given to me as I was having my third child Titus. I knew something was not right as we went to the hospital. I kept asking my husband do you think everything is going to be okay? I just want to go home and see the girl's again. He just kept re assuring me that all would be fine and that I needed to trust the LORD. However I was having that woman's intuition. A God given feeling I believe. I just knew that something was not right. I had had problem pregnancy's with both of my girls. But this one seemed a little better, not quit as bad.

After about a hour the doctors realized that it was not his head in the birth canal but his hand, so they took me for an emergency C section. I lost it, until Joshua asked everyone to leave so that we could pray.

The C section was not normal.. They ended up having to cut a cross on my uterus to get Titus out and he still came out breach. He did not breath for two minutes. I had no idea what was going on.. It had taken them a little over 45 minutes to get him out and they had about 5 doctors in there.

As I was laying there on the table and the chief doctor looked down at me and said " Mrs. Brown I know that you are only 24 years old, but I do not think you will have any more children." It tore me in two.. Joshua had been saying that he wanted to be done after Titus for he was worried about my health with future pregnancies, but I was just not havin' it. I prayed and prayed that the LORD would show me a for sure that he was right. I was so wrong for not trusting his leadership. But I was 24 and had always dreamed of 6 kids running around. Funny how Gods plans are not always the same as ours. But they always end up being better. At that moment I thought God does not want me to have any more kids. I am not a good mother. I do not deserve to raise Children for the LORD. Now when I look back this was nothing of the LORD. This is so hateful and spiteful. Not a Character of our loving Jesus.

Later on I learned that it was a miracle that I had, any of our children. I had a ring in the center of my uterus, one that caused me to have two sides to it. Hints the problem pregnancy's. This was not God showing me that he did not love me it was quite the opposite. He answered my prayer and showed me why I was not going to ever have a precious baby to carry for 9 months again. I was blessed far beyond measure. The doctors were amazed that I had ever had a vaginal delivery and my girls were big girls. 8.14 and 9.6.... Titus was my littlest one.

Even though I know that God loves me and that he has allowed me to have three children on loan to raise to honor and glorify him. I still long to feel that wonderful feeling of little feet kicking around inside. Thus I believe that I have struggled with Gods love. I know that this is not the only reason. But one of the bigger ones. And yet again, I say who am I to ever question my savior. He knows better than I...

God's love is so accessible. Are you willing to give him the love he deserves. When I was struggling with this right after the birth of Titus I have to be honest I was not as faithful to prayer and reading my Bible like I was before. Thank the LORD that Titus will be two in June and I did not stay on that detour very long. A few months was long enough for me. Don't get me wrong I know that there are days when I stray and do not give GOD the time that he deserves and wants from me. And for this I am truly sorry. For I know that I am the one missing out.

If we are not faithful to him then the further away he will seem. Yet he is still there, always calling us to come home! When you want to be close to him, he will never say no....You will feel his love for you I guarantee it....You will feel the joy the peace and the love that only He can give. His love is real. And must never be overlooked. Most of the time I think this lie is struggled with because we have not forgiven ourselves. So we feel like he has not forgotten it. This is just a lie, that old devil is sneaky. Make sure you kick him out and listen to what God says. He has forgotten, it is forgiven as long as you have asked and it is over. Stop dwelling on it and move on. There are great and mighty things that the LORD has for each one of us to do. Though they may seem little. All things are of value for the kingdom of heaven..

So do not forget that Jesus loves you. That is why that is one of the first songs we teach our children, is it not? "Jesus LOVE me this I know for the Bible tells me so". We need to sing that to our selves from time to time.

Always remember if you are doubting Gods love then you will never be able to tell others about it. Which is a shame. There are so many hurting people on a destructive path who need to hear the LOVE of our savior and what he did for you and me and them on the cross of Calvary.

I pray that we could all see Gods love the way that he would have us to see it and that we would go and tell another about his love for the lost and dieing world....

(Text to read... Psalm 139:17-19...Romans 8:38-39...Jeremaih 29:11...Zephaniah 3:17)
Because Of Him,
Please remember that you will never know God's love until you have been saved by the blood, through repentance and Faith plus nothing minus nothing...If you have questions please let me know.... =)

Friday, March 5, 2010


"But godliness with contentment is great gain" 1Timothy 6:6

I love this verse. And I am finding it to be more and more true the closer I come to the LORD. Sure I am like every woman, I love to shop and decorate and shop =) However I have learned to do all of these things on a budget so that I can stay at home with my three beautiful children. I would not trade that for anything in the world. I have also found much joy in this verse over the past 6 months. Most of you know that we moved from sunny San Diego to Fargo North Dakota. This was a huge change. At first I questioned God. I knew that it was his will for us to be here and I also knew that it was wrong for me to even ask such a question of my loving saviour who knows what is better for me than I do.

As Joshua prepares to re-enlist it is becoming more and more real to me that we will some day in the near future have to pack up our home and move on to our next journey in the LORD. Where ever he sees fit for us to go. I have found my self sadden by the thoughts of this. If you would have asked me a year ago if I loved it here I would have probably answered "no. But I know this is where the LORD has brought us." But if you asked me today I would have to say "YES" I know that I am not found of the winters and I love the beach. But the LORD has given me a real heart for the people here, and for the area. I am so blessed to have been allowed to come here. And grow in grace and in truth. Y'all know I am partial to the south....hehehe.... But if I knew that we were going to settle here and raise our family I would be perfectly happy with that.

As I look back over the past two years I see so much of what God speaks of in this one little verse. He is not only talking about being content with the things that we have. He is talking about being content with the life he has given us. From things like where we live, who we are married to, what Church we go to, who our friends are, the things we have, the finances that he has given us or not given us. I have come to learn that contentment is just sitting back and enjoying the life that God has so graciously blessed us with. Every aspect. It is putting complete trust in Christ and knowing that he knows better than you... It brings to mind a song that some dear friends of ours sing....Their children wrote it...

He Knows better than I

"Sold into Egypt to be a slave for all his days Joseph was forsaken, in it seemed in every way.
But the deeds they had meant for evil, God meant for his good. When the days seemed so long and dearer he remembered on who he stood.

For he knows better than I , He knows the path I take, his plan is perfect in every single way, So I'll trust him to lead me day by day, My LORD knows better than I.

Many times I don't understand the trials I must face, But in every situation he's given me his grace, so I'll just trust my LORD to guide for he always knows whats best, when I humble my self within his word he takes care of all the rest.

For he knows better than I , He knows the path I take, His plan is perfect in every single way, So I'll trust him to lead me day by day, My LORD knows better than I.....

This is so relevant. He does know better that I. He has proven this to me time and time again. Then why oh why do I see such short sighted. I want to open my heart and eyes and see as far as he does in my life. I know a lot less time would be spent in discontentment with current circumstances. And much more praise would be given to my LORD and Saviour for his goodness and love and for his provision.

After all, Who am I to ever question what God is doing in my life? He is the giver and the taker of all things. He has given me the very life that I sometimes am not content with. I should be ashamed. But praise GOD... He is so patient to show us his will and his truth. He is so gracious to wait for us to comprehend him and all his ways. In this I am truly thankful. What a loving and mighty God we serve. Yes sometimes things can be hard to see through Gods eyes. The whys and the whats of life. But there is so much beauty in the opportunities he gives us. If we spend our life questioning or in discontentment then we will one day look back and tell our selves that we missed the whole point of life. To give God the honor and glory that is do unto him. And he gets this most when a Christian is living in contentment with the circumstances the LORD has given him. Remember that your life is a testimony to the lost around you.

I believe that we will never reach this kind of contentment in the LORD, unless we are coming to him on a daily basis in worship and in praise. Only then will we know the true joy of the life God has given us. When we seek to do all things through him and him alone. When we cast aside the weight of the world and take on his vision. Then will we see his hand in all we do and in all we have. To God be the GLORY!!!

It is amazing to me how some of the shortest verses in our Bible can be filled with such strength and power. As you go about your day I challenge you to think on this verse. And seek after the contentment that the LORD speaks of here. For the Bible says this kind of contentment is great gain....

Because of Him,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are you a Mary or a Martha?

I am going back to re visit a book that I read almost two years ago now. "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. Sometimes I like to have a book to go along with my devotions. Any how. Today in my devotion It was on Mary and Martha. I saw some things in this portion of scripture that I myself have never really stopped to think about. Or see how it applies to my life. I know, I know it is a story that all of us know. I just found my nugget out of it today:)

Luke 10:38-42 (for reading purposes, if needed)

So, we know the story. Jesus had gone to the house of Martha to have supper. Her sister Mary is also there. Martha gets caught up in the serving aspect and Mary sneaks out of the kitchen to sit at Jesus feet. Then Martha comes out, interrupts Jesus and bids him to make Mary come and help her. "And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42 Here Mary has left her sister in Kitchen to do all the serving. Was she right or wrong. Well, Jesus told Martha that she was right. Martha could have put the serving aside and came and sat at Jesus feet. After all, here was God in the flesh in her house. Instead of spending time with him she was to busy trying to serve him.

Then I thought of how this story fits my life. You that know me, know that I like things a certain way, I can not stand messes, loud noise, things out of place, so on and so on. Okay, so I am a little compulsive. I would have to be honest and say that if I were in the situation, I would have probably had to fight my flesh so that I did not end up doing what Martha had done. It would take a lot for me to set everything aside and just go sit. Especially if I knew that there was much more to be done. Lets be honest. I know that Jesus is God in the flesh. And that My hearts desire would be to sit as his feet. But I think that would have been hard for me as it was for Martha.

Then I started thinking as I was sitting there reading. This applies to everyday life. Do I take time everyday to meet with the God of heaven? Or am I just busy serving? Do I miss opportunities that the Lord gives me on a daily basis to meet with him. Am I completely devoted to God? I know that I myself can improve in many of these areas.

Martha forgot to look up from serving and see what was really important at that moment. And , Mary made the choice to lay up her treasure where it really mattered. Where it would count for all eternity. Mary saw the importance to stop being busy. I heard a great message sometime ago on being busy. That when you say that you are busy, it is probably not a good thing. When we get to busy we do not allow God any room in our lives. Yes it is good to be busy about the things of God, but ask your self are you to busy serving that you are to busy to have a relationship with God himself. Which is the most important relationship that we will ever have.

Christ says that Mary chose the thing that no one can take away from her, or us for that matter. She chose the good thing. She chose to be close to God. She wanted to take in everything that he had to teach her. She knew that this was a chance in life time and she was going to take hold of it.

I know that I get caught up in the hear and now. Having three little ones, homeschooling doing daycare on the side, laundry, housework, staying in shape, cooking, taking care of beloved husband and the list goes on and on. All of this is serving. If I do not take the time to cultivate a close walk and relationship with my LORD and saviour then what good is anything? Everything else can be taken away. But the Lord says that a relationship with him a closeness to him, no one, yes no one can take that away.

I believe that Mary saw the importance to place everything and everyone in her life over to God. She knew that without him she was incapable of anything. She saw that she needed to be in his presence at every moment he was there. I also believe that we as Christian women need to look at it the same way. Except we are with God every moment of our life. We should be ever looking to him for guidance, not becoming to busy with the things of the temporary life. We should be focusing on our eternal life and what we are going to lay up in heaven. Will it be nothing because we were so busy, or will it be much because God was in everything....little....or big. It reminds me of the song "Little is much when God is in it, labor not for wealth or fame, theres a crown and you can win it, if you'll go in Jesus name."

I know that I need to step back and see the opportunities that the Lord has given me with my Children. I get so busy with everything else that I forget to play or take simple time to teach them something small from God's word. I need to cultivate more of a Mary spirit. And put aside my Martha tendencies.

This passage of scripture was such a blessing to me. I pray that it will have been to you also. Mrs.George says when any situation arises she asks her self is this a Mary or a Martha I am being.... I need to simply pause and acknowledge that God is ever present, and what would he have me to be doing, not what I see needs to be done.

In Him,

Monday, January 25, 2010


I am so thankful that back in the Garden of Eden, the LORD instituted the family. I know that in our families we all have certain issues. There are disagreements, disappointments, and differences. But more than not there always seems to be this over ridding of Love.

This weekend we went to the Twin Cities for my Mother in Laws wedding. My brother in law and his girlfriend flew in from San Diego as did my sister in law and her husband and my other brother in law and his family came from Mankato. When family lives so far away you really cherish the time that you have together. No matter what the differences are you always seem to make the best of it.

We were also blessed to see Joshua's family from his Dads side. They had not seen each other in about 5 years and before that it was 10. It was such a blessing to get with them and catch up. I realized something that I am so guilty of. I let the little things get to me and I should not. I seem to take my days for granted and this I should not do. For who knows what will happen on the morrow. Our life is only a vapor. The Bible says it appereth for a little while and then vanisheth away. I need to spend more time trying to cultivate a better relationship with those in my family that are lost and do not know the Lord Jesus as their personal savior. Fortunately Josh's Aunts and Uncles on his Fathers side do. Praise the LORD. I know that the LORD intended for us to come together in marriage. His family had been praying for him and My Dad for me. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the LORD brought us together and worked in our lives in a mighty way before he even brought us to a saving knowledge of himself.

As we were driving home and got closer to Fargo last night I was thinking. The weather was a little iffy, with a blizzard suppose to be coming through at any moment and we were trying to beat it. If something happen to our family what would people remember. Did I reach out enough in the little time that God had allowed me to have with our them. The devil is ever fighting in times like these. Our kids were a little naughtier than usual. They were not quiet as obedient or respectful as they usually are. I know my focus was taken off of the eternal things and focused on the here and now. But did I use that as an opportunity to show them the love of my saviour, or did they see an angry un happy family that says they love the LORD but have no joy?

I would like to think that with all things considered we handled it pretty well. I know there are many things that I could have done differently. However I can not go back and change it now. I have learned though that I need to be a lot more prayed up and make sure that I cam completely given to the LORD before another event like this comes along.

I love my extended family. But I especially love my immediate. When I look at my three children through God's eyes. I see them so different. I see them as this priceless little eternal soul that will some day reach the age of accountability and have to decide who they want to lead their life. When I think of this it scares me to death. This is when I realize that without God's amazing power I will never be able to do the job he has given me. For I know that daily I have triumpths and failures as a parent. Some days I feel that I only fail. I heard Evangelist Jack Palmer say once, "You know that you are doing something right with your Children before God when you see your self as a failure, only then can we stand back and see how much help we need from the mighty God of heaven to raise our children in the nurture and admonishing of the LORD." I know how true this is.

I am so blessed by the family that I have been given Not only extended and immediate but also our Christian family. I praise the LORD for them daily. I hope that you can find many things to be thankful for in your families. That we will over look all of our short comings and that we will see each other as Muire human beings that need all the grace that can be given by our LORD.

Just a thought I wanted to share. Hope your week starts off well.

In Him,


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jesus Still Saves...

I am a firm believer that we are saved by grace not by works. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of your-selves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:9-10 O how marvelous, O how wonderful. To say that you have claimed the promise of Salvation.

I remember when we first moved to Fargo. Things had changed dramatically. Joshua had just started his new job as a Marine Corp Recruiter, His hours were crazy, and I had just had a baby. Not to mention that I had two toddlers running around. I had let my devotional time slip. I was finding it harder and harder to find a consistent time to pray and read. But the LORD never left me. I am so thankful for that. He used somethings to draw me back to him self. For this I am extremely grateful.

I went through a period where I was doubting my salvation. I had been saved for five years and never doubted so why now. I never had a false profession. Which I am thankful for. But because of this I was struggling with did I get it right. The Bible says to search out your own salvation with trembling and fear in Philippians 2:12. This is what I did. In the end I came to realize. I had been saved all along. It was not "what if I did not do it right", or "I did not have that experience". It was what God has done for me. As many of you have read my testimony now, in an earlier post. The LORD used my doubt to draw me back to him.

What scares me though, is there are people that are doubting and are not searching. If you are doubting why are you not doing something about it? And then ask your self why are you doubting. Salvation is simple. Yes it is a miracle performed by a Holy God through us. But I think sometimes we can over complicate it.

Joshua had many talks with me. And I searched the scripture through and through. What I came to realize is that I was trying to base my salvation on others experience. I was forgetting my own testimony. I am thankful that God has given me a level headed husband. He would tell me time and time again. "I can not tell you if you are. But I believe that you are basing your testimony on that of others, not what God has done for you." Every time I would say "Well I, did not do that" He would always come back with "Good, But did God" He is amazing.

I know there are plenty of people out there whom have had false profession. But I also think that there are people out there that are truly saved and are quenching the spirit of God because of there doubt and unbelief. If you are doubting and truly saved the devil has you right where he wants you. So focused on self that you will never reach out to others or be a blessing. When I saw this in my life I was mortified. How many people had I not told about the Love of the LORD because I was being selfish.

I can not say weather you are saved or not. That is for God and God alone to judge. I can encourage you to search it out. And know for sure. My Bible says that ye may know for sure that you have eternal life. He does not want us running to and fro trying to figure out if we are really saved. He says you will know. This is what I kept going back to that, Rainy night in September. When I saw my self as a hell bound sinner, no good and in need of a saviour and surrendering to my LORD. It was nothing I did. It was what I let go of and what God took hold of.

I know that there are many easy believe Church's sending people to hell. But I also believe that when we get to heaven we will see just as many that have over complicated the gospel and did the same harm.

We need to remember salvation is by God and God alone. He draws a poor, helpless sinner to himself. Then they are made to make the choice. If their is pure conviction in the life of a person and they have come to that place, where they see their sin for what it really is, filthy and vile before an almighty God. Then can they be saved the first time? Of course they can. Through their faith and the grace extend to them by a righteous and loving God. Jesus Christ saves. We need to come to that point where we realize that with out Christ we are nothing and we can do nothing. We need to see how much we truly need him. Then Salvation is simple. Let go and let God.

Is your God still the same God of the Bible. The one who saved thousands on the day of Pentecost. Who Gave up the Ghost on Calvary, Who was buried and rose again on the third day. Who said he is coming back again, Who made blind Bartamus see, Who calmed the raging see, Who walked on water, Who held Jonah in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, Who made the earth in 7 days, who hung the stars in heaven, who told the woman at the well of her sins and opened her eyes , Who saved the Ethiopian Eunic? I know my God is real. I know my God can do all things. I know that he says he is never changing. So why then, why then do we limit him so? Why do we think that he can not save a sinner by them humbling him self before him and begging for forgiveness. Why do we have to tamper with salvation? If someone knows they need to be saved. They need to be saved. Only God can show this to them.

I never knew what it even meant to be saved. Until I saw through the preaching of God's word that I was a sinner and that I had no way to heaven. Do you believe that Romans still holds the truth in Romans Road?

"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth onto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED." Romans 10:8-13

I do not think that it was translated wrong with emphases on parts of these verses. If you call upon the name of the LORD you will be saved. It does not say you might, or maybe, you will see when you get to heaven. It says you will be saved. This is faith my friend. However you must see your self as lost before you can ever get saved. You must know that you are in need of a saviour. No prayer ever saved anyone. It has always been the same. Through faith, and the acceptance of Gods free gift. Through grace.

The Bible says the devils believe and tremble. They know he is real. They know what he is capable of. Do we have the same reverence? We as born again, Bible believers need to remember Our God holds the power for all eternity and that he CAN still save. He is the same God of Acts. They Holy Spirit could still be just as strong today, If we would step back and let God do the work. We need the faith of the woman who knew if she touched the hem of Jesus garmet she would be made whole from the blood disease she had. "Let me touch him, Let me touch Jesus, as he passes by"

Because of him,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Play Date with the World...

Do you know what is one of my biggest burdens? It is our youth within our Churches. Those who have been raised with the solid foundation of True Christianity. Being saved at nineteen. I have a real desire to see our young adults live for the LORD. It has always puzzled me how you could grow up in so much love and truth and still turn your back and make a play date with the world. After all God did give us all a free will. I am constantly reminded of this fact.

It could happen to any of us. Nevertheless, I see a huge movement within the walls of our safe haven to walk on a fine line. If I am speaking to a young lady who is being enticed by the world, I want to let you know from personal experience. All the world will offer you is a long broken road, of sorrow, misery, lies and heartache. It may seem like a better life now. But isn't the saying" sin is always fun for a season." I would be lieing to you if I said that at the time I did not enjoy some of the things that I was involved in. But it never ended happy. I was always lost and looking for something else to fill the void. Do you think your parents are to strict? Do you think they do not want you to have any fun, maybe even they are out to control your life? That is not the case. Chances are they are trying to save you from a world of hurt. They have probably already been down the road that you are choosing. I know, I know. You think that you have seen other Christian young people come out okay. But what if the LORD is not so patient with you. That is, if you are saved. Please know you may not have forever to get it right. The LORD will only knock so long.

It also saddens me how many young Christian families are lowering their standards. My family is not perfect by any means. But we are constantly telling our Children how, Mommy and Daddy's desire is to live as close to the Bible as possible. I do not want them to find some fault in my life that may latter cause them to stumble. Sure some times I think we may seem to strict. We do not have TV, they are not allowed to play with a lot of popular Children's toys, We are concerned with who they play with. But say what you want. The LORD has given these three Children to us one time and one time only. That means I only have one chance with them. So I am going to give it my best shot with Christs leadership. I am choosing not to make a play date with the world. Sometimes it is hard. But Christ never said that our lives were going to be a walk in a spring time garden. He promised us hard ships. It is only fair that we should face them. After all look what he had to face for us.

Please know that I write this in Love. The Lord impressed this upon my heart. I see so many young girls flirting with disaster. There skirts are a little shorter than they should be, They are dating a boy in the youth group that Mom and Dad do not approve of. They are lieing to their parents about what they are doing. If you are doing these things. Trust me someone knows. The mighty God of heaven is watching. And he has probably already led someone else to know your sneaky ways. Please know I love you. Sometimes it may be hard to go to your parents. That is what young women who love the LORD can be for. I am always willing to listen, and I know several other young ladies who would talk or help you through to Gods grace. If you are stuck in a rut, know it is never to late to change your ways. I have to make changes daily. I am constantly asking God to give me his grace to get through to the other side.

Young Christian family, don't be pressured by the world. Remember who saved you. He has all the grace you need to live a full and happy life. Joshua and I have been faced with many trials. Our family is our biggest. They are constantly criticising us for how we are choosing to live our life and raise our family. But I know that in the long run staying faithful to my LORD and staying as far away from what the world has to offer will offer the best out come. So I am willing to take what ever comes my way, by Gods Grace!!! So, when ever a play date may come along that is questionable, just make sure to cancel :)

With Love In Him,

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Testimony...

I wanted to share my Testimony with you. I think that it is important to tell others what the Lord Jesus Christ has done in our lives. I am not ashamed of my salvation and I want the world to know who I am trusting in for eternal life. I want them to know who I am going to serve and why.

So, Here it goes.

I was nineteen years old. I had been married to Joshua (My High School sweet heart) for a little over five months. I was starting cosmetology school, managing a tanning salon. I loved to dance, spend time at the beach and many other things. I was a very busy girl. However there was one thing that stuck with me, more than anything from my parents divorce. It was my Dad' faith. See I was not raised in a Christian home. I went to a mix of Catholic and Lutheran Church most of my Childhood. Until the divorce happened. I was twelve years old then. My Daddy had found a new Church his life was changed. He made sure everyone knew it. He took us to Church with him every weekend he had us. I thought he was a little off. But the people were amazing. I would not fully come to understand this until I was nineteen.

There I was nineteen and married to a United States Marine. I had moved to San Diego California. Things seemed to be going great. Don't they always right after you are married. Nevertheless, there was something missing. We both wanted to start our family young. Like we knew what we were doing. We were still young ourselves. But we were happy and that is all that mattered to us. I knew that if we were going to start a family, that we needed to get into Church. I mean you can not raise a child without Church! That is what I was thinking anyway.

Our journey began. Little did I know that a seed had been planted in my life when I was that little twelve year old girl filled with sadness from her parents divorce. We tried many Churches. But none of them felt right. I had discussed with Joshua how I wanted one that only taught from the Bible. Not one that made up or added things. And one that actually opened it while they were preaching. What a concept. We had some amazing friends from Oklahoma. One of his brothers was into taking mission trips and we had the privilege of having him as a house guest. Jamie and Chad did not have enough room in their apartment at the time. He was talking to us about Church. I had expressed how I wanted to find a good Church that only preached the Bible. That is when he told me that I needed to find a good, solid Baptist Church.

He left and life went on. I did not even know where to start looking for a Baptist Church. It was exactly a week later on a Friday night, Joshua and I were down at the Pier after dinner. And a young man (Andrew) in a suit came up to us. He was asking us if we had a Church that we went to. We told him what we were trying to find. He was supper vivacious. He seemed fun and outgoing. Being so young that immediately appealed to us. And guess what he was from a Church called "West Coast Baptist Church" in Vista California. He gave us directions, that Sunday we tried to find it, but had no luck. Weeks went by, I had changed my purse, so with that the track was lost.

Until one Sunday morning, We were getting ready for mass, and I had to switch my purse. I pulled out the track and read it. There was a phone number on the back. So, I called. Mrs. Clark answered the phone. I will never forget the joy in her voice. She told me how there was no one in the office on Sunday mornings. But for some reason she had felt lead to go in there. She gave us directions and that was the start.

We attended for a couple months. The preaching was amazing. It made me uncomfortable at times. I did not really understand why. Now I know that, that is conviction. What a disturbing feeling. The preaching was hard. See I had always thought that if you believe in God and you believe in Jesus then you must be going to Heaven. Here is where I learned that I was wrong. Through the preaching of the word I saw myself as a sinner.

One Sunday Night, September 14th, 2003, after the service Pastor asked if anyone wanted to give their testimony of Salvation. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting on the right side of the Church, in one of the center isles. Brother George, was sitting on the right side isle. He stood up and starting telling what the LORD had done in his life and how he saved him. During his testimony I was under server conviction. His story was my story. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was hell bound. There was no Heaven for me. I did not even deserve to look at Heaven. I can still remember his testimony, but I won't go into that.

I was in tears. Joshua thought I was losing it. It was raining out that night. As we walked to the truck I knew that If I died I was going to perish. That is the most awful truth you will ever come to realize in your life here on earth. Thank God that his story does not end there and that he sent his Son Jesus Christ who died and rose again, so that we might have forgiveness for our sins and eternal life. Praise the LORD!!!

I remember thinking the whole way home. Please don't crash I am going off to a life in eternal Hell. We got home, I ran upstairs, locked my self in the bathroom and got on my knees... Before a Holy and mighty God whom I had sinned against. That night I do not remember exactly what I prayed. I do remember being in there for around an hour and a half to two hours just praying and crying out to God. I asked the LORD to forgive me for being a sinner and to save and to allow me to live a life fully devoted to him. I do not remember much else but a lot of thanking...

That is where my new life began. I was a new creature in Christ. Immediately I was a new person. Ask my husband. He knew too... All I wanted was to be around God's people. I wanted to be Church all the time. I started taking a few classes at the Bible Institute that our Church had to offer. I have never looked back. I have no desire to live the old life. Thankfully, by God's grace Joshua was saved on February 15th 2004.

The next day we found out that I was pregnant with our first Daughter.

Please know Christ came for you also. He came to seek and to save that which is lost. That is everyone of us. None of us are good enough or have done enough to merit heaven. Salvation is simple, a gift, but must be accepted. But so many people choose to say no to the free gift. Please do not let that be you. My prayer for you in this new year is that you will taste and see the goodness of my LORD... For My God is REAL....

For those of you who are saved. Never forget your testimony and where Christ has brought you. And always remember how important it is to those around you. Stand tall for the LORD. He did for you...

Because of Him,