I am a firm believer that we are saved by grace not by works. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of your-selves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:9-10 O how marvelous, O how wonderful. To say that you have claimed the promise of Salvation.
I remember when we first moved to Fargo. Things had changed dramatically. Joshua had just started his new job as a Marine Corp Recruiter, His hours were crazy, and I had just had a baby. Not to mention that I had two toddlers running around. I had let my devotional time slip. I was finding it harder and harder to find a consistent time to pray and read. But the LORD never left me. I am so thankful for that. He used somethings to draw me back to him self. For this I am extremely grateful.
I went through a period where I was doubting my salvation. I had been saved for five years and never doubted so why now. I never had a false profession. Which I am thankful for. But because of this I was struggling with did I get it right. The Bible says to search out your own salvation with trembling and fear in Philippians 2:12. This is what I did. In the end I came to realize. I had been saved all along. It was not "what if I did not do it right", or "I did not have that experience". It was what God has done for me. As many of you have read my testimony now, in an earlier post. The LORD used my doubt to draw me back to him.
What scares me though, is there are people that are doubting and are not searching. If you are doubting why are you not doing something about it? And then ask your self why are you doubting. Salvation is simple. Yes it is a miracle performed by a Holy God through us. But I think sometimes we can over complicate it.
Joshua had many talks with me. And I searched the scripture through and through. What I came to realize is that I was trying to base my salvation on others experience. I was forgetting my own testimony. I am thankful that God has given me a level headed husband. He would tell me time and time again. "I can not tell you if you are. But I believe that you are basing your testimony on that of others, not what God has done for you." Every time I would say "Well I, did not do that" He would always come back with "Good, But did God" He is amazing.
I know there are plenty of people out there whom have had false profession. But I also think that there are people out there that are truly saved and are quenching the spirit of God because of there doubt and unbelief. If you are doubting and truly saved the devil has you right where he wants you. So focused on self that you will never reach out to others or be a blessing. When I saw this in my life I was mortified. How many people had I not told about the Love of the LORD because I was being selfish.
I can not say weather you are saved or not. That is for God and God alone to judge. I can encourage you to search it out. And know for sure. My Bible says that ye may know for sure that you have eternal life. He does not want us running to and fro trying to figure out if we are really saved. He says you will know. This is what I kept going back to that, Rainy night in September. When I saw my self as a hell bound sinner, no good and in need of a saviour and surrendering to my LORD. It was nothing I did. It was what I let go of and what God took hold of.
I know that there are many easy believe Church's sending people to hell. But I also believe that when we get to heaven we will see just as many that have over complicated the gospel and did the same harm.
We need to remember salvation is by God and God alone. He draws a poor, helpless sinner to himself. Then they are made to make the choice. If their is pure conviction in the life of a person and they have come to that place, where they see their sin for what it really is, filthy and vile before an almighty God. Then can they be saved the first time? Of course they can. Through their faith and the grace extend to them by a righteous and loving God. Jesus Christ saves. We need to come to that point where we realize that with out Christ we are nothing and we can do nothing. We need to see how much we truly need him. Then Salvation is simple. Let go and let God.
Is your God still the same God of the Bible. The one who saved thousands on the day of Pentecost. Who Gave up the Ghost on Calvary, Who was buried and rose again on the third day. Who said he is coming back again, Who made blind Bartamus see, Who calmed the raging see, Who walked on water, Who held Jonah in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, Who made the earth in 7 days, who hung the stars in heaven, who told the woman at the well of her sins and opened her eyes , Who saved the Ethiopian Eunic? I know my God is real. I know my God can do all things. I know that he says he is never changing. So why then, why then do we limit him so? Why do we think that he can not save a sinner by them humbling him self before him and begging for forgiveness. Why do we have to tamper with salvation? If someone knows they need to be saved. They need to be saved. Only God can show this to them.
I never knew what it even meant to be saved. Until I saw through the preaching of God's word that I was a sinner and that I had no way to heaven. Do you believe that Romans still holds the truth in Romans Road?
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth onto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED." Romans 10:8-13
I do not think that it was translated wrong with emphases on parts of these verses. If you call upon the name of the LORD you will be saved. It does not say you might, or maybe, you will see when you get to heaven. It says you will be saved. This is faith my friend. However you must see your self as lost before you can ever get saved. You must know that you are in need of a saviour. No prayer ever saved anyone. It has always been the same. Through faith, and the acceptance of Gods free gift. Through grace.
The Bible says the devils believe and tremble. They know he is real. They know what he is capable of. Do we have the same reverence? We as born again, Bible believers need to remember Our God holds the power for all eternity and that he CAN still save. He is the same God of Acts. They Holy Spirit could still be just as strong today, If we would step back and let God do the work. We need the faith of the woman who knew if she touched the hem of Jesus garmet she would be made whole from the blood disease she had. "Let me touch him, Let me touch Jesus, as he passes by"
Because of him,
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