Do you know what is one of my biggest burdens? It is our youth within our Churches. Those who have been raised with the solid foundation of True Christianity. Being saved at nineteen. I have a real desire to see our young adults live for the LORD. It has always puzzled me how you could grow up in so much love and truth and still turn your back and make a play date with the world. After all God did give us all a free will. I am constantly reminded of this fact.
It could happen to any of us. Nevertheless, I see a huge movement within the walls of our safe haven to walk on a fine line. If I am speaking to a young lady who is being enticed by the world, I want to let you know from personal experience. All the world will offer you is a long broken road, of sorrow, misery, lies and heartache. It may seem like a better life now. But isn't the saying" sin is always fun for a season." I would be lieing to you if I said that at the time I did not enjoy some of the things that I was involved in. But it never ended happy. I was always lost and looking for something else to fill the void. Do you think your parents are to strict? Do you think they do not want you to have any fun, maybe even they are out to control your life? That is not the case. Chances are they are trying to save you from a world of hurt. They have probably already been down the road that you are choosing. I know, I know. You think that you have seen other Christian young people come out okay. But what if the LORD is not so patient with you. That is, if you are saved. Please know you may not have forever to get it right. The LORD will only knock so long.
It also saddens me how many young Christian families are lowering their standards. My family is not perfect by any means. But we are constantly telling our Children how, Mommy and Daddy's desire is to live as close to the Bible as possible. I do not want them to find some fault in my life that may latter cause them to stumble. Sure some times I think we may seem to strict. We do not have TV, they are not allowed to play with a lot of popular Children's toys, We are concerned with who they play with. But say what you want. The LORD has given these three Children to us one time and one time only. That means I only have one chance with them. So I am going to give it my best shot with Christs leadership. I am choosing not to make a play date with the world. Sometimes it is hard. But Christ never said that our lives were going to be a walk in a spring time garden. He promised us hard ships. It is only fair that we should face them. After all look what he had to face for us.
Please know that I write this in Love. The Lord impressed this upon my heart. I see so many young girls flirting with disaster. There skirts are a little shorter than they should be, They are dating a boy in the youth group that Mom and Dad do not approve of. They are lieing to their parents about what they are doing. If you are doing these things. Trust me someone knows. The mighty God of heaven is watching. And he has probably already led someone else to know your sneaky ways. Please know I love you. Sometimes it may be hard to go to your parents. That is what young women who love the LORD can be for. I am always willing to listen, and I know several other young ladies who would talk or help you through to Gods grace. If you are stuck in a rut, know it is never to late to change your ways. I have to make changes daily. I am constantly asking God to give me his grace to get through to the other side.
Young Christian family, don't be pressured by the world. Remember who saved you. He has all the grace you need to live a full and happy life. Joshua and I have been faced with many trials. Our family is our biggest. They are constantly criticising us for how we are choosing to live our life and raise our family. But I know that in the long run staying faithful to my LORD and staying as far away from what the world has to offer will offer the best out come. So I am willing to take what ever comes my way, by Gods Grace!!! So, when ever a play date may come along that is questionable, just make sure to cancel :)
With Love In Him,
A great reminder to us all. Amen!