What kind of legacy are you and I leaving for our children? In this day in age where we are mocked because we are not career women or because we have more then one child, we enjoy serving our husbands and are sold out for the LORD? Now more then ever we as Christians, and not just Christians but christian women need to take a meek and quiet stand. Not to be misunderstood. But we must stand strong for the doctrines in which God teaches us to live by. We must make no compromise, for our precious children are at stake. They are watching and they know...We have the greatest opportunities in our homes.
It seems that in our society that is so full of technology and social media we have become so busy and can be easily distracted from our God given duties. And duties that if you are born again are not duties but yet a privilege.
I will ask you, do you love your family. Do you love your children. I am not speaking of a ewwy, guwwie, gushy sort of love. Yet of a full love as Christ loves us. through the day I try to keep these verses ever before me,
"And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them dilligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates."
Deuteronomy 6:6-8
I believe that these verses are packed full of how to obtain a Godly heritage. It seems so simple but at many times we feel that it is hard.
First of all in verse 6 it is commanded, it is not a option to do the things that follow, we are commanded to be ever teaching our children the things of the Lord and the ways of life. If we do not then someone else with a humanist view will be more then happy too take the Job... The devil is after our families and especially our children. I believe that the home is at an all out war with our adversary. Our homes are in shambles in America because most of them have completely taken God out of the picture!
In verse 7 we are to teach them diligently. This is not a half hearted teaching approach or expecting that because you pray over your food at supper time that our faith is going to pass to your children. Our Pastor always makes this statement and I believe it to be so full of truth " Your Children will only have as strong of convictions as your tolerance level." So what ever we tend to let slip by and say oh that is not so bad. One day that will be our children's spiritual best. Now that is a scary thought. I know that there are things in my life that I let slip by that I defiantly do not want Tatum, Elyssa and Titus to have that as there spiritual level. As a mother I am suppose to be teaching my precious little gifts from heaven, and yes they are gifts so make sure you treat them that way, not like yesterdays garbage. They are treasures that are entrusted to us for a eternal purpose.... OK, Teaching them from the time they wake, when we are sitting, and when they are lying down.... Um That is all day long. There is not any half hearted teaching going on here.
Verse 8 and 9 we are suppose to bind this wisdom and Godly doctrine with principles to their hands and our hands. And they are to ever be before their eyes. And everyone around should know that we are Christians. In verse 9 it says to write them on the posts and on the gates. In our home we have scripture verses up and on the outside we have a few hanging things. I think that all the world should know that we have got something different. We should have such a joy and love for the Lord that we will be overflowing and that everyone around us will want what we have or at least say, "I don't have what that family over there has"
Mama's and Godly ladies, do not let the world drag you down. Don't look around at what they have and what they are doing. In the end none of that will matter, the only thing that will last is what is done for Christ. We have our children to mold and to make into great Christians, people that will leave their mark on this world. Jack Hyles had a Mama, Lester Roloff had a Mama, Cindy Schapp had a Mama, John R Rice had a Mama.... They were all children at one time who had Mama's that took their job seriously and they left their print... We to can fight against the devil, we already know who wins. Don't throw in the towel and have the thought ever before you, what kind of heritage are you leaving....
In Christ,
Brittany Brown