Monday, August 23, 2010

I Can Go In!!!

After visiting the Abigail Miller web site to order some Cd's I was once again extremely blessed by her song "I Can Go In". As I sat weeping tears of joy while the children finished up their lunch. Tatum and Elyssa became concerned "Why are you crying Mommy?" They both were asking. I could not stop rejoicing in the wonderful gift of salvation. If you are saved how could we ever stop rejoicing!

As Tatum brought me a tissue to wipe away my tears they seemed to be becoming even more concerned that Mommy was so joyful and crying =) I explained to them the amazing gift of salvation and of the saints of old and of all the Martyrs that have laid down their lives and kept the faith. And how easy to them we must have it just to be saved by grace. And how some day we will share the glorious streets of gold with these men and women! And how when we get to heaven it will not matter because we will all be rejoicing together. And I was able to tell them that I can go in....

Have you ever paused for a moment just to say that phrase to your self " I Can Go In" Oh how powerful it is. Not everyone will stand some day and say it. And when I read the song lyrics I feel as the man did in the verses, asking who are these? I am not one of these... I just want to bow in shame, and say I am not one of these. As the man does in the song. But wait, at the end he rejoices and cries...I CAN GO IN.... Why can he go in? He was no prophet, was not burned at the stake, or asked to renounce his faith. But yes he can go in... He has been washed in the Blood. Saved by God's grace. He may enter with those giants of the faith. Yes He can go in.

Can you go in. Are you a rejoicing Christian? If not, why not? Is your heart overwhelmed with joy and gratitude to your Lord and Savior? If you are saved there should be nothing that can bother you. Sure there are things, trials that we face in this life. But when they come just say that phrase to yourself..."I can go in." There is so much hope and joy in four small words. I am still joyous when I really stop and think... I CAN GO IN!!!

Praise the Lord. I invite you to visit, you will truly be blessed by her testimony and the amazing songs that she has written. I want to share with you her lyrics...
Written by Abigail Miller, (Taken by a sermon preached my Charles Spuregon)

He stood beside the gates of Heaven. waiting to go in,
And he wondered how this Holy Place could take a man like him.
with shouts of great rejoicing and with music then they came,
Of the angels standing by him he asked what could be their name?

"These are the company of prophets. The goodly fellowship of souls,"
"Who spake God's Word with faith and boldness; who blessed the poor,
and made the wounded whole."

"Oh," he fell upon his knees, and cried, "I am not one of these."

He waited 'till another band of shining ones drew nigh,
They entered into Heaven with a "Hallelujah" cry.
He asked again, "Who are these? Can you tell me whence they came?"
He seemed to see the answer in a burning tongue of flame.

"These are the company of martyrs, the mighty fellowship of Saints."
"Who knew our Lord and walked beside Him."
"Who ran the holy race and did not faint."
"Oh," he fell upon his knees, and cried, "I am not one of these."

Then suddenly, a multitude was heard from far away.
Their voices rang with songs of joy like children at their play.
He saw Rahab, He saw David, Mary Magdalene and Paul,
And the thief who died by Jesus was the one who led them all.

"Who are these?!" he almost shouted at the angels.
"These are the sinners saved by grace!"
"The host of them who called upon the Savior,"
"Washed in the Blood and justified by faith!"

And, Oh...he leaped up from his knees!
"Oh, I can go in with these!!!"

"And I can go in, for my heart is free from sin."
"I've been washed in the Blood, everlasting life to win."
"I can rejoice, I can lift up my voice...I can sing...and I can go in."

Oh, he thought there could be no hallelujahs and no cries,
For this lowly band of people by the world despised,
But as the scenes of heaven opened up before his eyes,
He saw the martyrs and the prophets, and the host of heaven rise,
And they sang, "I can go in. For my heart is free from sin."
I've been washed in the blood, everlasting life to win,"
"I can rejoice, I can lift up my voice...I can sing... and I can go in."
"I can go in."
"I can rejoice, I can lift up my voice...I can sing...and I can go in."
"I can go in."

Can you go in. If not and you want to know how please let me know. If you can then lift up your voice and REJOICE..."YOU CAN GO IN..."

I have been so blessed by the words of this song. I just had to share. My heart could just jump up and run around and sing. Glory to God in the Highest. I may never deserve to go in. But by the grace of God. I Brittany Brown have been washed in the Blood, cleansed from every sin. That is something to shout about. My prayer is that you still have that blessed joy that you first had after salvation. It can so easily be lost when we get tripped up with the every day things of life. But there is so much Joy in the Christian life. Read the lyrics again and visit her web site so that you can sample the song. I promise you will be truly blessed.

Because of Christ,
Brittany Brown

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Just one more soul...

I love to read in Gods word of people and their conversions. I am just thrilled through every miracle of a sinner saved by grace. One of my favorite books of the Bible is the book of Acts. It is packed full of wonderful history of the Church and of Godly people taking a stand for Jesus Christ. If you have been saved for any amount of time the salvation of ones soul is absolutely amazing. Just as much so as a new born baby being brought into this earthly world, It is the same as one who is born into the family of God.

One of my favorite salvation stories found in the book of Acts is the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch. One of the reasons I love it so is because of the simplicity of it. And that the Lord saw that something that would not take up much room or time to tell was of much significance.

You can find this account in Acts 8:26-39

It shows that when you are witnessing to someone you never know where they are at on their own spiritual journey. Has some one else sowed the seed. Maybe another has already done some watering and maybe you will be the one to harvest. Or it could be completely the other way around you could be the one to plant the seed, or water. you just never know unless you take the time to find out. Here in this passage of scripture we see how sensitive to the Holy Spirit Phillip was. It says in verse 29 "Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot." The Bible says in verse 30 that Philip ran to the chariot. This shows us that he obeyed God and that he obeyed Him with joy, hast and zeal. He did not take his time and dilly dally around. He took what God said seriously and by faith trusted and obeyed. We should have the same attitude. When you feel that little prick from the Holy Spirit we should definitely obey. There have been many a times when I have heard from the Lord and have not followed. I have for some reason or another shrugged it off. Yes I am sad to say. I often wonder if when we get to heaven if the Lord will show us all the times that he told us to pass a track, speak a word of encouragement or to boldly stand and witness and we made the choice not to. I know for sure that I will hang my head in shame. I am trying to seek to be more like Christ and to seize every opportunity that the Lord would allow me to have. As I hope is the same for you dear Christian reader.

I love how Philip goes to him and does not just start shoving the gospel down his thought. He enquires of him what he is reading (verse 30). Then Philip asked if he understood what he was reading. And the Ethiopian man asked him how he could understand. And it speaks of what he was reading and then he asks Philip do you know of whom this speaketh? Philip does not go into an in depth doctrinal study with the man about what he was reading. No, the Bible says in verse 35 "Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus Christ. There is something I try to remember when I am witnessing to someone that I do not know if I will ever have another chance or not. I was taught it in a soul winning class shortly after myself was saved. That you never debate doctrine, that you stick to the scripture and what the Bible says about salvation. You stick to the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You leave them with something to think about, or maybe even lead them to the Lord if they are ready as was done here.

The Bible says and they went on their way and that they came to a body of water. Here the Ethiopian man asked what he must do to be baptized and a simple answer is given. Philip tells the man that if he be livest with all of his heart. Simple but true. And in verse 37 the man at the end of the verse answered " I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God." And he was saved. It does not say and he was saved. But if you finish up the chapter it talks of them commanding the chariot to stop and Philip baptizing him and then Philip being called away by the Lord and the Eunuch going on his way.

I do not know why. But the Lord has always giving me a heart to meet this man when I get to heaven. I want to hear of all of the things that he went on to do for My Lord and saviour. I am intrigued by his testimony because we never hear of him again. This is the only account. And I am so blessed by the fact that the Lord would take such a simple account, but yet so much more miraculous than we will ever know, and include it in his word.

One of my favorite songs that I love to hear is the good old fashioned song "If just one more soul" It goes something like
-But if just one more soul were to walk down the isle, it would be worth every struggle it would be worth every trial, a life time of labor is still worth it all, if it rescues just one more soul-

I am so encouraged that the Lord gave us such a wonderful, free gift of salvation. It can not be earned, bought or traded. It is free by choosing to accept it. in Romans 10:9-11 the Bible says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED.

Praise the Lord that he has shown his mercy to such a wicked and cursed world. And that he was willing to sacrifice his life so that we may have eternal life! I am over joyed by this thought. I love to hear testimonies. Especially of those that we find through out God's Word of the saints of old. Which were left as an example for us on how to be saved and how to lead others to Christ. I hope this will encourage you...

In Christ Jesus,